Writing Skills

Writing Skills

POWER Writing

Two half days

$649.00 excl. GST

6PD hours

The ability to create effective written communication is essential for an organization to operate successfully. Throughout this workshop, you’ll examine the specific strategies and techniques that lead to effective business correspondence, and you’ll apply these concepts to the various types of writing you do.

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Effective Delegation

Half day

$359.00 excl. GST

5PD hours

Delegating offers many advantages to you, your direct reports and your organization. It will give you more time to focus on the tasks that require your particular skills and authority. In this session, you’ll look at how to effectively lead your staff, contractors and peers using delegation techniques.

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Email: Think Before you Hit Send

Half day

$289.00 excl. GST

4PD hours

In today's increasing e-business environment, more and more organizations are turning to an online form of communication with clients. In this workshop, you will learn the strategies that will give you an email reputation to be proud of.

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Writing Effective Reports and Proposals

Two half days

$649.00 excl. GST

9PD hours

Does the writer’s knot in your stomach tighten when you’re asked to write a proposal or report? Does the project seem to take much longer than it should? In this workshop, you’ll learn how to apply specific writing techniques to ensure your reports and proposals are accurate, specific and easy to read.

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Solving the Grammar Dilemma

Two half days

$649.00 excl. GST

9PD hours

When you write business documents, your professional image is on every page you create. Part of that image comes from how accurately you use grammatical structures and sentence structures. This workshop will help you enhance your professional image as a writer and editor.

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The Plain Language Approach to Writing

Half day

$399.00 excl. GST

5.5PD hours

Unless the message in a document is clear, your reader may be confused and left with more questions than answers. This workshop will show you key strategies for talking to your reader using plain language so that your message is easy to read and understand.

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Editing for Others

Half day

$289.00 excl. GST

4PD hours

What techniques can we use to not only edit written documents but also help our employees improve their writing skills? In this workshop, you will learn how to use positive, tested techniques that will enhance your editing skills and support your employees.

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