The Golden Rule is Wrong aka DiSC Workplace

Most of us inherently think others see the world the way we do and so we think treating them the way we would want to be treated, should be successful. However, changing those assumptions and seeking to understand others in the workplace significantly improves those relationships and boosts our own happiness and well-being.


What if you worked with someone who was just naturally enthusiastic? Some people might think that approach is a “bit too much” while others might be inspired by the enthusiasm. Still, there may be others who are more “steady,” who prefer stability and dislike change. Or perhaps it is accuracy and understanding the details that matter most for you.

Other people see the world differently than you. They’re motivated by different things and stressed by different things. Understanding how others see the world, and adapting to them, while also helping them understand how you see the world, builds strong, successful relationships at both work and home.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could recognize the needs and the priorities of those around you and respond appropriately, strengthening relationships with others in a more productive and mutually beneficial way? 

This course will give you the knowledge and skill to recognize different behaviour styles and to adapt to the people around you.


Downloadable Information

DiSC Workplace Profile Report – each participant will receive a customized version of this profile for themselves.


Our blended format includes three components:

Pre-workshop Activities (approx. 15 minutes to complete): online assessment to generate your profile and pre-reading materials

Workshop Activities (one day virtual session): practise and feedback of key concepts with our facilitator engaging with you live using coaching, scenarios, activities, reflection and discussions

Post-workshop Activities (at your own pace): we’ll touch base with you several times to remind you to apply what you’ve learned

Registration closes on January 11

Learning Outcomes

This workshop focuses on...

  • recognizing and describing the DiSC model and the everything DiSC workplace map

  • identifying your personality style and exploring the priorities that drive you during your workday

  • discovering the similarities and differences among styles and your reaction to different styles

  • prioritize what works for you and what challenges you when working with each style

  • identifying the styles of the people you work with

  • reviewing how others have bridged their differences using DiSC

  • practicing building more effective relationships at work

Who Should Attend

This workshop would be great for:

  • All Staff

Offer this Workshop Privately

If you would like to have us provide this workshop privately to a group of staff within your organization, please click here.