Janet Wright
Certified Executive Coach (PCC) and Padraig Leadership Instructor
Janet is a certified executive coach and leadership instructor with Padraig. For over 25 years, Janet has worked with individuals and organizations to build skills for growth and success, improving effectiveness in leadership, communication, performance management and team development. Her clients come from a wide range of backgrounds and industries; with her direct, logical communication style, Janet connects well with leaders who are adept at the technical aspects of their jobs but would like a bit of help with their people responsibilities.
The feedback Janet consistently receives is that she is an entertaining, approachable facilitator who enables participants to focus on the practical application of proven techniques. As a coach, Janet creates a positive, supportive space that inspires new ideas and actions and builds confidence.
In addition to her coaching, Janet has led Human Resources in the hospitality industry, owned a small business, mediated conflicts for the Alberta Civil Court and taught psychology and assertiveness training at the community college level.
She holds a Master’s Degree in adult education and counselling and Graduate Certificates in executive coaching and conflict mediation. Janet is certified and experienced in a range of assessment tools including DISC, MBTI, Workplace Motivators, EQi and SuccessFinder.